New Student Summer Send-Off

Date and Time
Saturday, August 11, 2018
2:00pm— 4:00pm
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Home of Robbie Schwartz
Robbie Schwartz
Who's coming
Adam Miller Jieping Zhang Samantha Shea David Chanko Jaywon Kim Danielle Egharevba Karthik Rajkumar Vedik Navale Jacob Karlovsky Madison Stringer Cassandra Ingersoll David Allison Martha Batista Wayne Lorgus Juan Lopez Salazar Christopher Kaup Sherri Duarte Nancy Casey Jieping Zhang Robbie Schwartz Mark Ellis Jenna Skinner Xingyu Cheng Mark Rakowski Rachel Zoneraich
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Please join us on Saturday, August 11th from 2 to 4pm 

for an Ice Cream Sundae Summer Send-Off

 Welcoming Arizona students to Penn’s Class of 2022!


For many years, our Alumni Club has welcomed Penn’s incoming students from Arizona. Although most students initially connect via social media, relationships are truly forged when we meet in person, along with local members of the Penn Alumni Interview Committee, our Alumni Club Board, and current Penn upperclassmen. 

We hope to see you there; please let us know you will join us by filling in the RSVP below.

Prior to August 11th, we will email you directions to the home of Phoenix-area Alumni Interview Program Chair, Robbie Schwartz, C’89, who is hosting this event.


Or register manually

Map & Directions

Home of Robbie Schwartz

by public transit by car by bike Walking